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KOMET Microsoft tags

June 23, 2010
Tag to showcase OS Discs and Endo Rescue Kit.
ROCK HILL, South Carolina--KOMET USA will use a digital marketing tool that plays videos directly on a mobile phone to showcase its product line.KOMET USA’s upcoming summer 2010 sales brochure will feature Microsoft Tag, a way for a person to use his or her mobile phone to play videos. The technology allows a person to scan a “tag” and play videos that feature KOMET’s OS Discs/OS30 oscillating handpiece and Endo Rescue Kit Kit 4601 (seen above, respectively).The announcement was made by Warren A. White, KOMET USA’s chief operating officer of sales and marketing.“This technology now gives KOMET USA’s current and potential customers an opportunity to see some of our products in action, without sitting in front of a computer,” White said. “The technology can be used with any smart phone, whether it’s a Droid, Blackberry or iPhone. KOMET USA is all about innovation, and we’re using this technology to better educate our customers on how much KOMET can make an impact in their practice.”KOMET USA will begin using Microsoft Tag on its print advertising in the August 2010 issue of several magazines, including Dental Economics®. Both the KOMET Konnect and KOMET’s print advertising will explain how to download the Microsoft Tag application to a mobile phone.

For more information about KOMET USA, call (888) 566-3887 or visit

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