Nobel Biocare announces study club

July 16, 2010
Nobel Biocare has signed an agreement with My Dental Hub to acquire the exclusive rights to, an online study club for dentists.

MyDentalHub was developed by Dr. Ken Hebel and Dr. Reena Gaijar, of the Hands on Training Institute of London, Ontario, Canada.

In running its study club, Dr. Hebel and Dr. Gaijar realized there was room for improvements, especially the day-to-day communications with club members. They decided to develop a Web-based solution to streamline the connection to members and elevate the relationship with existing restorative doctors.

This online tool, called, makes study club communication, event management, case presentations, continuing education, patient referrals and case discussions easier for those involved. There’s even a discussion board and built-in e-mail and text messaging system that sends invitations to one member or all members in a group.

If members don’t respond, the system sends another message to referral members that didn’t respond. It even tracks referrals and the member’s continuing education credits.

"Connecting and strengthening the referral base of our partner practices is a key initiative for Nobel Biocare," said Bill Ryan, president and general manager of Nobel Biocare, North America.

"The platform streamlines the patient referral process, elevates case planning to a new level and improves communications between our partner and referral practices. This comprehensive, yet easy-to- use system, can be implemented by existing study clubs or practices looking to build their own study clubs. We are proud to add to our portfolio."

Added Dr. Hebel, MyDentalHub CEO,: "This is a game-changing technology for the dental industry. The net result is a more effective, more efficient, study club model that increases referrals and optimizes the personnel costs associated with maintaining an active study club.”

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