
Introducing DryZ Retraction Paste

Aug. 30, 2012
A retraction paste that works with your impression technique

DryZ™ Retraction Paste from Parkell, Inc. is terrific for use alone or in conjunction with retraction cord and compression caps. DryZ stops gingival bleeding and seepage from gingival crevicular fluid that may interfere with impression taking. It is not only fast-acting, but it’s also a fraction of the cost of all other retraction materials on the market.

The light green color of DryZ contrasts nicely with gingiva, blood, and tooth structure, making it easy to detect where the material has been placed. DryZ is also easily removed with an air/water syringe and leaves no residue to interfere with impressions or seating of restorations.

DryZ is also great for tissue management when you’re seating restorations, placing rubber dams, bleaching teeth, and restoring subgingival cavities. It controls seepage that may contaminate a sensitive, restorative material, allowing you to do optimal restorative dentistry.

For more information or to order, contact Parkell, Inc. at 800-243-7446, or visit parkell.com.