Cascades Antibacterial Paper Towel

Don't forget to dry your hands!

Oct. 11, 2012
Cascades Tissue Group is announcing the arrival of its newest product to the U.S. market – Cascades Antibacterial Paper Towels.

October 10, 2012

The holidays are approaching more quickly than you realize, but I’m not talking about Thanksgiving yet – I’m talking about Global Handwashing Day and International Infection Prevention Week!

To kick off the hygienic holidays, Cascades Tissue Group is announcing the arrival of its newest product to the U.S. market – Cascades Antibacterial Paper Towels.

“It’s a first-of-a-kind product that eliminates residual bacteria almost instantly. Now everyone can help control the spread of bacteria,” said Suzanne Blanchet, CEO of Cascades Tissue Group.

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Unlike most antibacterial towels or wipes on the market, the newest Cascades hand towel is dry, which means you don’t have to change any aspect of your hand-washing regimen to make it more effective.

If you’ve been in a public restroom lately, you don’t need research to tell you that most people fail to adequately wash their hands (although research will, in fact, attest to the fact). And since 80% of bacteria is spread through hand-to-hand contact, Cascades has produced an anti-bacterial towel to take care of the spots you might have missed by releasing an active ingredient (Benzalkonium Chloride) upon contact with wet hands.

The idea is novel but the ingredient is not. Around since 1935, Benzalkonium Chloride is used in gel sanitizers and baby wipes.

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However, microbiologists have found that using the antibacterial towel with a proper hand-washing regimen is more hygienic than merely using a sanitizer, which doesn’t remove organic matter such as grease, dirt, blood, or fecal matter.

According to a spokesperson for Cascades, we will begin seeing these new towels in places such as restaurants, hospitals, schools – and, of course, your dental office – soon.

To learn more about the product, visit

Lauren Burns is the editor of Proofs magazine and the email newsletters RDH Graduate and Proofs. She is currently based out of New York City. Follow her on Twitter: @ellekeid.