3 questions and answers about HPV vaccination you can share with your dental patients

Jan. 22, 2013
Human papillomavirus, or HPV, is the culprit behind many cancers of the mouth, throat, anus, and genitals. Here are answers to three questions your dental patients may have about HPV vaccinations.

Human papillomavirus, or HPV, is associated with oropharyngeal cancers, and deaths due to cancer continue.

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While we lack the knowledge and tools to prevent many cancers, scientists have figured out how to dodge HPV-triggered cancers through HPV vaccination.

Here are the three big questions about HPV vaccinations:

• What is HPV?
• How does the HPV vaccine work?
• How effective is the HPV vaccine?

ScienceDaily has posted a good overview of answers to these questions that you can share with your patients.