MicroDental Laboratories receives accreditation

April 3, 2013
Lab becomes DAMAS accredited.

SAN FRANCISCO, California--MicroDental Laboratories has become a DAMAS-accredited laboratory.

DAMAS stands for Dental Appliance Manufacturing Audit System. DAMAS is designed to allow dental laboratories to demonstrate that they follow FDA’s Good Manufacturing Practices, ensuring patient safety. Less than 1% of more than 7,000 U.S. dental laboratories are DAMAS certified.

MicroDental’s pledge of helping dentists deliver an exceptional treatment experience begins with a steadfast dedication to patient health and safety,” stated Kim Bradshaw, CEO and president of MicroDental.

“MicroDental’s DAMAS accreditation underscores our commitment to helping dentists achieve their standard of care.”

Added Laura Sheppard, CDT TE, senior director of compliance and regulatory affairs at MicroDental: “DAMAS is a high achievement for a dental laboratory. It is a voluntary process that requires a third party audit and yearly revalidation. The specifications for DAMAS are designed to insure we follow best practices such as verification of FDA accepted materials, lot tracking for traceability, adherence to strict quality control standards, manufacturing, and equipment controls for product consistency.”

According to Len Liptak, vice president of sales and marketing for MicroDental: “The dental lab industry is very dynamic, featuring many new materials, new technologies, and new production approaches such as offshore manufacturing. Amidst these changes it is important for dentists to know where their products are being manufactured and be able to verify that their dental lab partners are mutually committed to their patient’s health and safety.”

For more information, visit www.microdental.com.

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