
How to prepare for the NBDHE online

Sept. 24, 2013
HygienistPrep currently provides over 1,400 multiple choice questions, written in the same format as the board questions. You know, your favorites that the instructors throw into your tests: “Both the statement and reason are correct but NOT related.” Who thinks of these?

By Kathleen Allen, RDH
September 26, 2013

Dental hygiene students come from all demographics and currently from over 300 schools across the United States. As diverse as this group may be, there is one commonality in a concern they all share: NBDHE preparation! I remember years (and years) ago gathering my heavy textbooks and notebooks full of detailed lecture notes and attempting the daunting task of board review. Back then we did not have many options beyond reviewing our own notes and scouring the textbooks.

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I am so excited to introduce you to a new product that has been devised to revolutionize board preparation! I have been working with an amazing group of dental hygienists, dental educators, and dentists to create a robust, interactive, innovative online platform that is specifically structured to mimic what you will encounter on the NBDHE. HygienistPrep currently provides over 1,400 multiple choice questions, written in the same format as the board questions. You know, your favorites that the instructors throw into your tests: “Both the statement and reason are correct but NOT related.” Who thinks of these? We do, so you don’t have to!

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In addition to the multiple choice discipline-based questions, we have case-based questions complete with patient history, radiographs, photographs, and perio/dental charting. All of our questions are written using the same categories and subcategories as the content on the board exam. In order to eliminate the text and notebook scouring, we have included detailed answer explanations for each question that explain not only why the correct answer is correct, but give you information regarding the other distracters as well. If you come across a topic that was covered oh-so-long ago, no worries – we have written PowerPages, which are basically condensed lecture notes that allow you to review material you may have forgotten.

A few of our features will make you want to come back for more – really! We have stats and graphs showing how well you are doing in each of the categories; stats that compare how far in the program you are compared to other students who signed up around the same time that you did, and stats showing how you are doing in progressing through all of the material available. HygienistPrep tracks your progress and will continue to give you a question (random order, of course) until you get it right. There is even a button allowing you to study in your weakest areas. You also have the option to study in “practice mode” or “timed” mode, which will help prepare you for the timed test experience you will encounter when you take the NBDHE. And possibly the most appealing feature of all is the option for you to study 24/7 on your tablet, phone, or laptop. You can work HygienistPrep into your busy schedule whenever and wherever works best for you.

We have been developing HygienistPrep since 2010 and recently launched our website at the ADHA convention in Boston this year. I may have seen some of you (we were the ones with the great photo booth!). Like us on Facebook to stay up to date on contests and promotions. We are hosting an exciting contest in January and have some amazing prizes lined up, so you won’t want to miss it! HygienistPrep is offered in 30-, 60- or 90-day subscriptions. You will find all of the information you need to register and get started by going to our website.

Begin today and clear your mind of board prep stress, because we’ve got you covered! You have enough to worry about with finding the perfect patients, completing labs, and studying for test after test.

Kathleen Allen, RDH, is a practicing dental hygienist as well as the education coordinator for HygienistPrep. She resides in San Diego, Calif., with her husband (anesthesia board patient) and their four boys.