Three Business Women

Tuesday Tip from Pride Institute: Marketing to women may be a good move for your dental office

May 13, 2014
Women account for the majority of household spending, which could benefit your dental office

We’ve all heard the adage, “When Mama ain’t happy, ain’t nobody happy!” According to reports from Boston Consulting Group, Booz, McKinsey, and Goldman Sachs, women control about 80% of household spending in the U.S. The take-away is that women are the primary purchasers, as their spending accounts for far more of the U.S. consumer economy than their representation in the U.S. population (51%).

This observation begs the question — Can your marketing and educational messages be better tailored to women? For this Tuesday Tip, I’m writing through the lens of women. No offense, gentleman.
According to a survey of nearly 2,000 women, here is what motivates each generation to greater wellness:

Millennials are at the beginning of their adult lives. They aspire to a great future, and want to look and feel fabulous. For them, wellness is part of the “Be happy and have it all together” equation, something to help them be their best. How might you use this tip in your communication with female millennials?

Members of Generation Xare in the busiest stage of their lives, often reconciling a full-speed career, kids, and other life roles. They feel the weight of all the expectations put upon them. For these busy women, wellness is about strength and efficiency. It is about finding calm and self-acceptance. Maybe even more importantly, it is about setting the right example for their children. How might you use this tip in your communication with females of Generation X?

Baby boomersare entering retirement and want to have enough energy to make the most of it. They want to be free of aches and pains and stay active to help their children and enjoy their grandchildren. Some want to travel to exotic locations, while others are picking up hobbies they set aside during career and childbearing. How might you use this tip in your communication with boomers?

A woman’s view
In our industry, manufacturers provide brochures, website images, posters and educational software systems to support your case presentations and home care education. What I find odd is that the models are usually millennials. A rather curious phenomenon is clinicians using materials and educational software featuring models who look, oh, about 22, with boomers.

In your search for educational materials for your patients, consider not only if the content aligns with your vision and philosophy, but also if the model is in the same generation as your patient. Consider where unconscious resistance may be created because a patient’s inner voice may ask, ”Does he honestly think my teeth will look like that 25-year-old’s teeth?”

Marketing research shows that women are more likely to respond to communication that features people who look the good looking next door neighbor, not someone who belongs on the fashion runways. This goes double for boomer women, who add to that general feeling of a strong tendency toward authenticity.

As an example, let us look at the traditional cosmetic industry. For years cosmetic companies have attempted to sell women age-defying products that feature models between 16 and 22. The ROI (return on investment) was less-than-stellar market penetration and lackluster sales. As a result, Andie McDowell and Diane Keaton now represent. Revlon’s famous faces are Susan Sarandon and Julianne Moore. More recently, CoverGirl enlisted the star power of Ellen DeGeneres.

My bottom line for this Tuesday Tip is — Consider tailoring your marketing and educational messages to women. They say “yes” to themselves and they take care of their families. Additionally, use age appropriate educational materials, website images, and promotional materials.

Hope these women-friendly insights serve you well!

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Tuesday Tips from Pride Institute are provided weekly on their Facebook page as well as in this column in DentistryIQ. To ensure you don’t miss any of Pride Institute’s proven methods to take your practice to the next level, visit, and like them on Facebook!