New Year For Dentists

Tuesday Tip from Pride Institute: New Year is success inventory time

Jan. 6, 2015
The start of a new year is not a time for wishes or resolutions, but for taking inventory of the past year, and building on your successes.

As a new year begins, it’s important to look at your successes and make plans (not resolutions or wishes) for moving forward. Yes, I urge you to review your metrics and get your annual planning in place. At this juncture however, I also ask you to turn an eye toward your leadership – at the office, at home, and in the community.

In what ways have you been the “Meaning Maker” for others? True leadership comes not just from being the boss (or worse, being bossy), but from taking ordinary moments and turning them into something special by pausing and acknowledging what it means to you – authentically and vulnerably. How has any event on any given day reflected your core values? How have you called that out and celebrated it?

If you went to Disneyland, would it be much fun alone? Disneyland isn’t very different from one day to the next; it’s the experience you share with others that makes it significant. Think about what meaningful moments you’ve shared with your team and family, how those moments are tied to your vision and values, and how you can enhance such times in 2015 in your practice, at home, and in the community.

That’s success – making your moments meaningful is what you take with you. Now, take inventory and make a plan.

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Tuesday Tips from Pride Institute are provided weekly on their Facebook page as well as in this column in DentistryIQ. To ensure you don’t miss any of Pride Institute’s proven methods to take your practice to the next level, visit, and like them on Facebook!