Dentists use noninvasive treatment for sufferers of TMJ

Nov. 24, 2008
Facial Fitness helps relax tensions in masticator muscles and fascia to eliminate muscle spasms, relieve pain points, revitalize circulation, and restore range of motion in jaw.

MIAMI, Florida--The National Institutes of Health estimates that more than 10 million people in the United States suffer from disorders in the temporomandibular joint (TMJ).

According to the American Dental Association, more than 15 percent of these people also have chronic face pain.

Using the Dental M6, Facial Fitness is now being used to treat muscle pain related to TMJ. This new, noninvasive treatment helps relax tensions in masticator muscles and fascia to eliminate muscle spasms, relieve pain points, revitalize circulation, restore range of motion and prevent "jaw lock."

TMJ connects the mandible (lower jaw bone) to the skull's temporal bone (sides and base of skull, the temple area). This joint is responsible for one's ability to bite, chew, swallow, speak and make facial expressions.

Typical symptoms of TMJ include aches and pains in the jaw and surrounding area (including the ear, which is often confused with earaches), inability to open one's mouth comfortably, a popping, clicking or grating jaw joint, "lock jaw" (when one's mouth simply refuses to open far), headaches, an uncomfortable or painful bite, neck, shoulder and back pain, facial swelling and dizziness. And when the discomfort is protracted, sufferers will experience long-term, chronic pain.

Previously, treatment for muscle pain related to TMJ disorders has been limited to manual stress-reducing exercises, oral muscle relaxants, splint or mouth guards (which prevent nighttime teeth grinding), and reconstructive surgery.

Facial Fitness introduces a new, noninvasive treatment for TMJ muscle pain. It works because it treats muscle tension.

Dr. Joseph G. Willardsen, a dentist in Las Vegas, Nev., explained: "I use Facial Fitness as neuromuscular therapy with orthotic splint therapy for best results. Applying ischemic pressure to jaw muscle trigger points (masticator muscles like the temporalis, lateral pterygoid, masseter and medial pterygoid) relieves pain and relaxes the muscle tensions that cause the spasms. I also do isometric contraction and relaxation exercises with Facial Fitness to stretch tense muscle fibers, restore circulation and enhance range of motion."

Facial Fitness is performed with the Dental M6, the newest addition to LPG's line of therapeutic medical devices cleared to improve local blood circulation, relieve aches and pains and relax muscle tensions. But it isn't just for relieving TMJ muscle pain. It's also preprogrammed for such cosmetic applications as fine lines, wrinkles, slackening facial contours and aging skin.

Dentists, like Dr. Willardsen, have found that it's not only an effective treatment for TMJ muscle pain, but it also helps with profitability. Treatments are approximately $85-$95 per session with packages of 10-12 sessions recommended.

For more on Facial Fitness treatments and LPG's FDA-cleared medical devices, visit Facial Fitness.

To read more about Facial Fitness, go to Facial Fitness.

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