Gdxp 700

GXDP-700 SRT Technology by Gendex

Aug. 22, 2013
The GXDP-700 Series allows different types of imaging for a wide range of clinical situations, giving you the flexibility to capture the images necessary for the procedures you perform.

The GXDP-700 Series allows different types of imaging for a wide range of clinical situations, giving you the flexibility to capture the images necessary for the procedures you perform. From general preventative care to implants, extractions, root treatment, or orthodontics, this modular system can be upgraded to cephalometric, 3D SFOV (small field-of-view), or both.

"It's as basic for my practice as my explorer and mirror. I don't even really calculate a return on investment on this machine because it's also a panoramic and ceph machine – we use it daily. Patients are just astonished when you present this technology, and they can see themselves in 3D. You reach them better – you can better explain treatments so they have a more accurate understanding of what is going to happen." –Dr. Norberto Velazquez