Dental production update from Rick Willeford's "Willeford Watch"

July 16, 2012
Kevin Henry, Cofounder,

Recently, Rick Willeford, a dental CPA and advisor, released his "Willeford Watch" with dental production numbers for the five months of 2012. He also compared those numbers to 2011, 2010, and 2007.

Some of the highlights include...

Total Office Production (per FTE doctor): Trending up with May of $84,862 vs. April $79,434.

Days Worked (per FTE doctor): May of 21.32 vs. April 19.06.

Daily Production (per FTE doctor): May was $5,286 vs. April $5,949 (less per day since more days in the month).

Click here to see the chart from Rick Willeford.