12 networking secrets for dental hygienists

June 12, 2013
Kristine Hodsdon, RDH, shares 12 secrets about networking for dental hygienists.
  1. Quality over quantity.
  2. Have fun with networking. Imagine meeting incredible people who love supporting you, as well as you supporting them.
  3. Practice lowering your barriers and commit to being YOU.
  4. Practice an introduction that contains both credibility and humanness.
  5. BE REAL!
  6. Brainstorm about networking events to attend in your area. Pick three! Check Meetup.com, Chamber of Commerce, Leads Groups, EWomen Network, Google networking groups in your area…and RDH Under One Roof.
  7. Go! (Don’t chicken out.) Arrive early. Dress appropriately/professionally. (Not as if it’s a night out on the town.)
  8. Scan the room and pick two to four folks you feel drawn to whom you’d like to meet.
  9. Show up in service. Introduce yourself with a smile.
  10. ASK: What do you need next in your business? How can I support you?
  11. If the conversation goes well, set up a time to experience each other’s services/follow up/tea/coffee/phone/hike.
  12. Be honest about what you’re looking for: Venture partner, to be connected to someone, purely social etc.

Kristine Hodsdon RDH, MSEC
Director, RDH eVillage