Proper dental ergonomics: The key to career longevity

Aug. 23, 2023
Dental ergonomics is not simply some trend that will vanish after its popularity on social media. It's how dental professionals can reduce their pain and extend their careers.
Meg Kaiser, Associate Editor

No one wants pain on the job, and despite years of public awareness and a wealth of information on the topic, practicing proper ergonomics is still elusive for many dental professionals. Are they not aware of what they need to do to stay healthy? Have they even heard about the concept of ergonomics?

It's a good idea to learn all you can about proper ergonomics in the dental profession before any pain begins. Unfortunately, many dental pros don't know what do to until they're already suffering. 

Dr. Dan Pedersen, an Irvine, California-based dentist says, “It’s important for dentists to have a structured work-out routine and go the gym routinely to focus especially on upper body strength. Personally, I go to the gym at least four days a week.” 

This new gallery gathers hands-on approaches from several experts to help you avoid or treat to pain so you can stay on the job without risking pain and burnout. 

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