Award, Correction

June 30, 2006
RDH eVillage was honored by its parent company.

PennWell, the publisher of RDH eVillage, recently hosted its annual Eddy Awards to recognize editorial excellence. RDH eVillage won in the category of Best E-Newsletter Program." The company produces 45 electronic newsletters. In the photo above, Craig Dickson, the publisher, accepted the photo.

In the May issue of RDH eVillage, an article was published about an online degree program for dental hygienists interested in a master's degree. The program was launched in Idaho, and the article incorrectly stated that the university was the first of its kind to offer such a program.
In making such a comment, RDH eVillage overlooked the online master's program offered by the University of Missouri at Kansas City, which was started in 2001.
We regret the error.