When it started eight years ago, in February of 2008, Dental Assisting Digest was geared primarily to dental assistants. With an introduction of “Rise up dental assistants! It's time that your voice was heard!” . . . the ENL was off and running. It has enjoyed eight successful years, and through those years has evolved to address audience needs.
Gone are the “Clinical Knowledge” and “It’s Your Life” sections of the e-newsletter. Moving way up in importance and attention is the “For the Front Desk/Office Manager section.” When it started, the articles for office managers were included as a bit of an afterthought. Live and learn.
Through the years the editorial team has realized that these two parts of the dental practice— assistants and office managers—deserve an equal voice and equal attention. The positions enjoy receiving and sharing advice and guidance for their careers, which is the purpose of Dental Assisting & Office Manager Digest. The emphasis of DAOMD is now on both of these important portions of the dental team that are instrumental in the success of the dental practice.
And of course, we would love to hear from you. If you have ideas for topics you would like to read, or if you would like to contribute articles, as in write for DAOMD, please contact us at [email protected]. We love to hear from readers!
Check out these recent articles from Dental Assisting Digest:
Dental Assistants Recognition Week—A week we should all be thankful for
Make dental patients your priority, not their insurance