Canadian Periowave

March 27, 2012
Canadian dental professionals discuss Periowave benefits at Pacific Dental Conference

At the Pacific Dental Conference (PDC) in Vancouver on March 10-11, 2012, dental professionals discussed the increasingly strong link between unhealthy gums and cardiac disease. Bacteremia is linked to the development of atherosclerotic heart disease.

The Periowave photodisinfection system was designed to combat these infections by removing harmful bacteria from unhealthy gums.

Dr. George Freedman, practicing clinician, author, and dental educator in Canada, stated in his lecture at the conference that dentists have an obligation to do all they can to protect the heart health of their patients. Dr. Freedman also addressed the ways in which Periowave can help accomplish this goal. Periowave is a rapid, painless approach to removal of the harmful bacteria left behind in gums after standard subgingival cleaning and debridement is performed. Periowave photodisinfection involves the application of a photosensitive liquid to the gums, targeting primarily these pathogenic bacteria. Light is then applied which creates a powerful germ killing reaction. The process is instant, non-antibiotic, and pain-free.

“Periowave photodisinfection therapy has the potential to revolutionize treatment of gum disease and thereby to impact heart health, “ stated Dr. Freedman. “The combination of thorough professional debridement beneath the gum line and this safe and effective antimicrobial therapy has been clinically proven to generate better patient outcomes – ultimately the most important goal of any clinician”.

Dr. Fay Goldstep, a practicing clinician stated in her conference lecture “that photodisinfection fits within my paradigm of acceptable therapies. It protects and heals patients, is affordable, and it is easy for dentists and hygienists to implement in their practices”.

Drs. Freedman and Goldstep reviewed all aspects of the science behind the Periowave photodisinfection system as well as the numerous applications of the system for the treatment of chronic periodontitis, gingivitis, endodontics, and infections around dental implants. Infections around dental implants are becoming increasingly common, and involve the same type of pathogens that are found in periodontal disease. Besides compromising the stability and longevity of the implant, such infections can also contribute to the bacteremias associated with atherosclerotic heart disease.

Periowave Dental Technologies, Inc., is based in Toronto. For additional information about Periowave, visit