RDH Event for RDH eVillage

Sept. 8, 2010
The virtual online conference for dental hygienists offers free registration, free CE, and is giving away various prizes.

RDH Event, the virtual online dental hygiene conference, is back! The conference opens its doors next Thursday, Sept. 16, at the computer in your home or office.

The two-day conference offers free registration and free continuing education, as well as prizes.

The keynote speaker is Karen Davis, RDH, and her course is titled, “America's Sweet Tooth Obsession and Its Impact on Oral and Systemic Health.” The other presenters during RDH Event are Christine Hovliaras, RDH, Stacy McCauley, RDH, and Julie Thomas, RDH. Four live question-and-answer sessions with speakers are scheduled for RDH Event.

Attendees can earn up to nine CE credits.

Review the prizes that will be given away by clicking here. The first drawing will be at 7:30 p.m. CDT on Thursday, Sept. 16. The second drawing will be at 3:30 p.m. CDT on Friday, Sept. 17. The drawings will be hosted in the RDH Event “lounge.” In addition, two trivia games with questions about dental hygiene and RDH magazine will be hosted in the lounge too.

The RDH Event conference is composed of three interactive “buildings” that users can easily navigate around while visiting. The CE courses are hosted in the auditorium, exhibitors offer information and answer questions in the exhibit hall, and social networking with other dental hygienists occurs in the lounge.

To review the schedule for RDH Event, click here.

To register for RDH Event, click here.