The first three recipients of the Heart to Hands award were lauded during a ceremony at the American Dental Hygienists’ Association’s annual session in Jacksonville, Fla., on June 16.
The two dental hygienists and dental hygiene student had submitted videos about their “passionate hearts” and “loving hands” in regard to dental hygiene care in their settings. The three recipients of the 2017 Heart to Hands Award were Mary Jensen RDH, MS, of Winfield, Ill.; Jaci Klepadlo, RDH, of Mays Landing, N.J.; and Amanda Madronic of Stittsville, Ontario.
In her video, Jensen quickly summarizes her career and discusses how it evolved to offering care to elderly patients. Klepadlo described a team approach to the treatment of a patient during her video. Madronic, a Canadian dental hygiene student who will practice in British Columbia after graduation, explained how an outreach effort with fellow dental hygiene students increased access to care in her community.
The links for the three winning videos appear below the photos from the award ceremony.
The award is sponsored by Philips Oral Healthcare and PennWell Corp.
From left to right, Gail B. Stoops, senior manager of professional relations for Philips in the US and Canada; Mary Jensen, RDH, MS; Amanda Madronic; Jaci Klepadlo, RDH; and Craig Dickson, publisher of RDH magazine.
The three award recipients pose next to a poster of the RDH magazine cover that features them.
Jacksonville, Fla., was the host city of the ADHA annual session on June 14-17.
Video submitted by Mary Jensen
<Video submitted by Jacki Klepadlo
Video submitted by Amanda Madronic