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Introduction: Arginine, soft drinks, human plague, and new mouthwash claims

Sept. 3, 2015
In this issue, Maria Perno Goldie, RDH, MS, revisits some ever-popular topics (e.g., perio, health differences between the sexes, soft drinks and oral health), as well as some new ones.

In this issue, we review some old and some new topics. The familiar topics include soft drinks and sugar, differences in disease patterns in women and men, and what’s new in periodontal disease prevention and treatment . . . always a hot topic. Something we have not discussed is what arginine is and what it does.

READ MORE | Hygienists can't treat perio effectively, dentist looks other way

In the news is a scary topic, the plague. Human Plague — United States, 2015 is a report that was released early on August 25, 2015. (1) According to the report, since April 1, 2015, a total of 11 cases of human plague have been reported in residents of six states: Arizona (two), California (one), Colorado (four), Georgia (one), New Mexico (two), and Oregon (one). Plague is a rare, life-threatening disease caused by the bacterium yersinia pestis. It is carried and spread through fleas. It is classified as a zoonosis, infectious diseases of animals (usually vertebrates), that can naturally be transmitted to humans. (2) The good news is that while mortality rate for untreated plague is between 66% to 93%, with the use of antibiotics, the risk of death has been reduced to approximately 16%. (1) For more on the plague, visit the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) website.

A new mouth rinse is available in the United Kingdom called Nicorinse. (4) According to the comapny website, Nicorinse: reduces the absorption of nicotine and harmful toxins found in tobacco smoke; completely eliminates smokers’ breath; reduces the risk of yellowing teeth; and promotes healthier teeth and gums. (3) It was created in Canada by a dentist and a chemist. Other than acting as a barrier, I could not find any mechanism of action or active ingredient. The product is manufactured in the United Kingdom and is EU-safety certified. One problem I have with the website is the implication that since it is alcohol-free, it prevents dry mouth. “Helps in addressing ‘Dry Mouth’…Because it is free from alcohol.” There are no studies to substantiate this claim, and no studies that I can find on the product. Read more on the website and view the press release. (3, 4)

Remember the AAMS 1st CONGRESS, September 9-13, 2015 in Los Angeles, California, at the Millennium Biltmore Hotel. For a complete list of the congress’ courses, lectures, symposiums, speaker names & bios, synopsis, learning outcomes, visit the website.
I urge you to consider attending Challenges in the Global Burden of Oral Cancer: Progress in Early Diagnosis and Prevention, March 4th-5th, 2016, New York University's Kimmel Center, New York City, USA. Visit the website for more information. Shannon Nanne, RDH, is the executive director of the Global Oral Cancer Forum. Thanks to Shannon for her contribution to this newsletter!


Maria Perno Goldie

1. Kwit N, Nelson C, Kugeler K, et al. Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report (MMWR). Human Plague — United States, August 25, 2015.