Glitz Dental commits to donating $1.00 from the sale of each box of Glitz premium prophy paste.

June 17, 2003
Funds will used to support the fight against breast cancer.

Glitz Dental, developer of preventive dental products, announced today that they will soon begin donating $1.00 from the sale of each box of Glitz prophy paste, up to $25,000 per year to support research to find the cure for breast cancer. Glitz premium prophy paste is high-end prophy paste which uses ice cream quality flavorings to achieve superior taste and higher patient approval. The paste is made with imported white pumice and a non-clay binder. Each box of Glitz premium prophy paste comes with 200 Dotz, a double sided adhesive that adhere prophy cups to a latex glove, thus replacing a prophy ring.

"We are proud to support finding a cure [for breast cancer]," said Cheryl Epstein, business manager of Glitz Dental, LLC and breast cancer survivor. "We always talked about donating to a charity once we built up a decent following. I hope our donations will invoke awareness in all of our customers and inspire them to take the extra step and donate to their own charity of choice."