I am astounded a year has passed while I’ve been the editor of Woman Dentist Journal. I have been honored to represent the journal and women in dentistry. More dental companies are noticing our presence. It is a forward-thinking dental company that recognizes our growing numbers and addresses the needs of female practitioners. I look forward to continuing to spread the word.
2007 is going to be a great year for WDJ. Two series will take us through the year. The first one will be about all the women in dentistry. We will interview dentists and women who are making a difference in the dental world. Our second will be about building your office from the ground up. We begin this month with the decision to rent or buy and will end in December with the grand opening. We hope you will find this informative. Please e-mail me your thoughts on these two series. We look forward to your input.
Did you know we are going online? Every other month beginning with the February issue, WDJ will be completely online. I hope you have signed up for your online version of WDJ so you do not miss a single word.
Also, please remember to send us your speaking engagements. We have received rave reviews on our Woman Speak page. We need more women speakers. If you inspire one woman to present after hearing you speak, we will achieve our goal.
Looking into the future, logon to www.aawd.org and check out the fantastic annual meeting planned for July in Colorado Springs. If you are not a member of the AAWD, why not consider joining? As you see every month in the Chronicle, the AAWD has many events and opportunities to meet old friends and make new ones while enjoying education along the way.
With a new year comes new resolutions. I know, I make resolutions every year: Lose weight. Drink more water. Get more sleep. Take my vitamins. Exercise more.
One of the promises I have kept is to have time for myself. Throughout whatever craziness abounds - patient and travel schedules, time with family and friends, working out - I find time during my day to read a book for a few minutes. Reading is my peace time.
This year, be yourself. Pause, take a deep breath, and remind yourself that you need to be healthy and concerned about your own well-being before taking on everything else. Control the controllables. Find 10 minutes a day to stretch and relax. Your body and mind will appreciate the pause.
2007 will be a great year. We look forward to Kathy Roth and her year as ADA president. I hope you enjoy our 2007 editorial calendar as much as I enjoyed creating it for you. If you have additions or topics you would enjoy in WDJ, let me know. Here’s to a new year with you and WDJ!
With warm regards,
Sheri B. Doniger, DDS
Dr. Doniger is the editor of Woman Dentist Journal.
We welcome letters to the editor. Please e-mail your letters to Dr. Doniger at [email protected]. Include your name and the city and state where you practice.