April Winners!
Congratulations to Cheryl Calmis, RDH, BS, and Nancy Desnoyers, RDH, winners of the April RDH Click-It Trivia. The prizes were two $50 Gift Cards to BEST BUY.
The May prizes are two chances to win a $50 Lowe's gift card.
Questions for May
Who is the keynote speaker at the 2006 Under One Roof Session on Thursday, July 27th?
1. Amy Frazin
2. Diane Glasscoe
3. Dr. Phil
4. Sponge Bob
This year in Las Vegas, Nev., we bring you more choices for dental hygiene continuing education seminars including general sessions, power hour sessions, small group workshops, and hands-on workshops allowing you, the dental hygienist, to earn up to ... CEUs.
1. 1,657
2. 6
3. 21
4. No CEUs will be given out
How it's played
Each month, from January through June 2006, this section will feature two questions regarding RDH Under One Roof 2006 Program and/or its major sponsors. Participants can find the answers to the questions at either the UOR 2006 Web site, UOR2006, or by clicking on the sponsor's Web site link on the RDH UOR Web site.
Once participants have answered the questions, all entries will be e-mailed to Kristine Hodsdon RDH, BS, director of RDH eVillage, at Kristine Hodsdon or faxed to (603) 887-7277. Prize drawings will be held each month 10 days after the deployment of the RDH eVillage newsletter. PennWell will contact the monthly winner so the prize may be sent. Winners will be announced on the RDH UOR Web site and in RDH eVillage. Winners are encouraged to send photos of what they purchased with their gift cards to Kristine for publication in upcoming RDH eVillage newsletters.
Monthly winners who attend RDH UOR 2006 will be announced and recognized at the "Happy Endings" program in Las Vegas.
In July, all entries from January through June will be entered to win a free tuition prize to RDH UOR 2007. The drawing and announcement will be made at the "Happy Endings" presentation on July 28, 2006. The recipient does not need to be present to win. The prize may be transferred to another recipient as long as PennWell is notified in writing within two months prior to the RDH Under One Roof 2007 Program.