Capitol Hill

Event on Capitol Hill Addresses Family Economic Security

Sept. 18, 2012
OHA and DTA attend event.

Washington, DC —- Oral Health America (OHA), the Dental Trade Alliance (DTA), and over 100 supporters assembled on Capitol Hill on Sept. 12 to address the impact of the nation’s economy on the overall health and well-being of American families. At the event, OHA and the DTA recognized U.S. Senator Robert Menendez (D-NJ) for his leadership in policy changes that help emphasize the importance of oral health throughout the country.

A survey by OHA, sponsored by Oral Healthcare Can’t Wait and Procter & Gamble, found that Americans are more likely to take a painkiller for a toothache than to consult a dentist. Of those who don't regularly see a dentist, most (73%) give financial considerations as the reason.

“These findings confirm that many Americans are still struggling and that oral health suffers as a consequence,” said Beth Truett, president and CEO, OHA. “Dental disease is one of the leading chronic diseases in America and among the most preventable. OHA and the DTA’s Oral Healthcare Can’t Wait are collaborating on Fall for Smiles, a promotion raising awareness of the importance of oral health to overall health.”

“We have an obligation to make sure that our communities, business leaders, policy makers, health-care providers, and schools are committed to the oral health of our nation,” said Gary Price, CEO, DTA. “All Americans need to understand the importance of oral health and make the care of their mouth a priority.”

Sen. Menendez added, "Oral health care is a vital, yet often inaccessible, preventive health service. This is especially true for at-risk populations for whom a lack of access to oral health care can lead to costly health complications down the road. I applaud OHA, DTA, and everyone here today for their efforts to promote proper oral health in our communities."

OHA is a national, non-profit organization dedicated to changing lives by connecting communities with resources to increase access to care, education and advocacy. Find more information about OHA at For more information about Oral Healthcare Can’t Wait, an initiative of the DT, visit

Pictured above, from left, Dr. Greg Folse, Outreach Dentistry; Joe Theissen, Voices for American’s Children; Mary Foley, Medicaid-CHIP State Dental Association; Beth Truett, President & CEO, Oral Health America; Dr. Keith Suchy, Chair, Oral Health America Board of Directors; Gary Price, CEO, Dental Trade Alliance.