Margaret Thatcher said that if you want something said, ask a man, but if you want something done, ask a woman. There is no doubt about it — we women are incredibly productive. Those of us in private practice know what it means to work all day at the office and then come home and start our "second jobs" as mothers, wives, or whatever. I'd love to know what man ever was in the middle of a crown prep only to suddenly think, "Oh, my God. I forgot to buy the milk." Men just don't have that kind of stress. Most male dentists come home at night expecting to find their dinner on the table or at least to be able to sit down a few minutes and relax in front of the TV for a while. How many of us have that luxury? Not many, I would venture to say.
So why, then, should women, who are already stressed to their max just trying to stay on top of things, be interested in becoming involved in a women's organization that places yet one more thing on their never-ending "to do" list?
The reason is because this is one thing we really need — an opportunity to connect with other women who understand, to interact with people who have been there, done that. These are people who can share not just the technical side of dentistry, but who can give the emotional support that comes from truly understanding what really makes life worthwhile. And what really makes life worthwhile is relationships.
At AAWD we offer a lot of great benefits, such as discounted car insurance, malpractice insurance that can be carried from state to state and has provisions for women on maternity leave, banking services, etc. But what really makes AAWD meaningful is the support and nurturing it offers. To me, that is the most important benefit of all.
In order to reap the benefits of our organization, you can't just pay your dues and expect to get much out of it. You need to get involved, because getting involved is the only way AAWD is going to be able to meet needs that aren't being met in other dental organizations.
This year, my goal is to strengthen our grass-roots network throughout the country. If you live in an area which doesn't have an active AAWD chapter, why don't you start one? It's really quite easy. Our central office will be happy to send you a kit to show you how to do it. All it takes is a phone call to five or so of your friends to get together. You'd be surprised how easy it is and how much you will get out of meeting on a regular basis. This is the kind of networking that will help build your practice and your satisfaction in dentistry.
Above all, being an active member of AAWD will bring you into contact with some of the most interesting and enthusiastic women in dentistry. Not only will you learn, but you will have fun. You will find a place in your professional life that just can't be fulfilled any other way. Be involved in AAWD. You will be happy that you are!
Jean Furuyama, DDS