As a voting member of AAWD, you receive the following benefits:
- Woman Dentist Journal and Chronicle newsletter. Published 10 times a year and includes member activities at the local and national level, scientific and technical news, articles and items of interest by specialty.
- Membership Directory. This unique, expanded directory includes an easy-to-read supplier resource directory to help members find products and services from the leading dental companies.
- Annual Conference. Exceptional workshops include practice management, personal and professional health, scientific and technical sessions to easily obtain continuing-education units. AAWD focuses on women's health issues. Network with your colleagues in the various fields of dentistry. A distinctive conference, highly valued by our attendees as one of the finest conferences in dentistry today.
- AAWD Awards Program. The Lucy Hobbs Taylor Award (the highest award bestowed on a woman dentist who has contributed to the advancement of dentistry) is presented during our October Board Installation Dinner.
- Penn Security Bank & Trust Financial Services. Penn Security Bank & Trust gives members options on commercial loans, debt consolidation, equipment leasing programs, credit card processing, cash flow maximizer, and more.
- Emery & Webb, Inc./Ace American Insurance Company's "Dentists Protection Pac." An excellent, comprehensive malpractice program designed especially for our members. It includes premiums tailored to the number of hours you work, 10 percent discount for AAWD members, reduced premiums for family leave, licensure board defense at no extra charge, employed dentist discounts, and many more benefits.
- GEICO Automobile Insurance. Significant savings with this nationwide company.
- 10 percent discount on classified ads.
- DDS Front Office. Join this unique dental business supply buying service offered through AAWD. Orders can be done by catalog or online.
- National Credit System (NCS). A bad-debt collection service that makes it easy and economical to recover from a delinquent payer. NCS uses a flat-rate system, which makes it easier for members to recover up to twice as much money.
- Student Scholarships, Loans, & Awards. Colgate Palmolive Research Scholarship, Gillette Hayden Memorial Fund (loan), and the Eleanor J. Bushee Senior Dental Student Award.
- Expanded Local and Student Chapters. Information is available on how to start a state or student chapter or study club.
- Locate a Woman Dentist. Many patients look for a woman dentist. Our Web site is the leading resource directory for patients and members alike.
- AAWD Web site. is the focal point for finding information on dentistry, women, and women's health issues.
- AAWD Speaker's Bureau. Highlights not only dental speakers, but speakers on women's health and general health issues.
- Bed and Breakfast Program. Participating members provide students, graduate students, and residents with courtesy lodging, direction, and support for a short time period.
Spotlight on ... Member Benefits
AAWD's new member benefit takes the work out of staffing your office
AAWD's newest corporate benefactor,, is a match-making service designed for the dental worker and the dental employer by providing online classified ads for dental jobs, as well as free resume posting for workers.
AAWD members may register for this service and receive the following benefits:
- Search posted resumes, FREE
- View the resumes, except for identifying information
- Receive weekly email updates of new and updated resumes in your area
- Get listed in our Search Jobs area, FREE
As a service to AAWD Members, is offering a 10 percent discount for AAWD members who purchase classified ads using this service. Call the AAWD office for the promo code to take advantage of this 10 percent discount offer.
For more information, log on to