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Orascoptic FREEDOM headlight

Oct. 14, 2010
FREEDOM light system does not employ belt-packs, long electrical cables, or buttons.
After introducing an LED light system to the dental market in 2005, Orascoptic debuts the Freedom “cordless” LED headlight.Responding to practitioner concerns that current LED cables are cumbersome and unreliable, Orascoptic has developed a light system that does not employ belt-packs, long electrical cables, or buttons. Benefits of the new Freedom system include:• No more cumbersome cords: Lightweight battery pods that connect to the temple arms of the loupe, rather than heavy belt-packs employed by traditional LED systems. By moving power to the loupe, the Freedom system eliminates the issue of long dangling electrical cords that are prone to getting caught on chairs, doorknobs, and cabinets in the dental office• Easy to use: Capacitive touch technology helps eliminate the need for any buttons, knobs, or switches, and allows the practitioner to control the light while holding instruments in both hands• Easy to clean and maintain: Capacitive touch also helps eliminate bacteria traps associated with traditional light system controls, making the Freedom easy to sanitize and maintain• Comfort: Weight-neutralizing counter-balance between the battery pods and the headlight relieves pressure on the nose caused by the light and telescopes.• Powerful visualization: Variable illumination up to 4,000 foot candles• Compatibility to more than 99% of TTL loupes: A robust, yet innovatively simple, universal mounting clip securely fastens the lightweight headlight to almost any TTL loupe on the marketBy eliminating belt-packs, cables, and buttons, the company continues to strive to provide the dental community with superior visualization.To learn more, visit the Orascoptic Web site at read more about Orascoptic, go to Orascoptic.To comment on this product, go to