Th 137832

What a Tennessee Time We Had!

Nov. 1, 2003
From fabulous speakers like Linda Miles; Drs. Rice and Furuyama; Heather Voss DeZak, CDT, from BonaDent; and our keynote speaker, Mary O'Neill ... to the music and fun at the Biolase-sponsored wine and cheese reception, the productive AAWD business breakfast meeting, and the student table clinics. AAWD is the place for learning, fun, friendship ... and YOU!

From fabulous speakers like Linda Miles; Drs. Rice and Furuyama; Heather Voss DeZak, CDT, from BonaDent; and our keynote speaker, Mary O'Neill ... to the music and fun at the Biolase-sponsored wine and cheese reception, the productive AAWD business breakfast meeting, and the student table clinics. AAWD is the place for learning, fun, friendship ... and YOU!

From left, Dr. Judy Porter, AAWD Trustee (soon to be director); Deb Miller; Priya Bali; and Lauren Keizer enjoying the reception sponsored by Biolase.
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Daniele Bonafiglia Wirth of BonaDent Dental Laboratories, an AAWD sponsor.
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Larry Farrell of Butler, long-time supporter of AAWD, with Drs. Margaret Scarlett and Jean Furuyama.
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2003 Colgate Palmolive research awardees from left, Zehra Pradhan of SUNY at Stony Brook, Leena Bitar of Tufts University, and Bobbi Smith of Meharry Medical College/School of Dentistry.
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Dr. Jean Furuyama with extraordinary speakers Linda Miles and Mary O'Neill.
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AAWD buddies Dr. Glenda Nuckols, director of communications; Dr. Jean Furuyama, president-elect; and Col. Kathryn Cripps.
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Dr. Janet Hatcher Rice, president-elect of the Academy of Laser Dentistry, and Gail Siminovsky, executive director of the ALD.
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Officers of AAWD with student attendees.
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Wine and cheese reception ... a full house of fun!
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Gail Siminovsky, executive director of the Academy of Laser Dentistry; Cathy Richardson, RDH, MBA, dental training and marketing expert; Linda Drevenstedt, dental consultant; and Dr. Margaret Scarlett, immediate past president of AAWD and founding editor of WDJ.
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Mary Carol Cicco and Chris Casciano of Penn Security Bank & Trust, a long-time friend of AAWD.
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Dr. Risé Lyman leading the AAWD breakfast business meeting.
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Students enjoying wine and cheese reception.
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Jaci Goodman, RDH, from Biolase Technologies (center); and Dr. Risé Lyman, AAWD president (at right).
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Student Courtney Wilson, Meharry School of Dentistry, in front of her beautiful table clinic with Dr. Risé Lyman, AAWD president.
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Dr. Risé Lyman, AAWD president, with Dr. Tofigh Rayaai, AAWD past president.
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Dr. Risé Lyman welcoming Dr. Romell J. Madison, president of the NDA, among our dignitary guests at the AAWD wine and cheese reception.
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Meharry Student and Colgate Palmolive Awardee, Bobbi Smith, explaining her table clinic findings.
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