"How wonderful it is that nobody need wait a single moment before starting to improve the world" — Anne Frank
"Everything old is new again." Michele Hunt's book, DreamMakers: Putting Values and Vision to Work, talks about creating and living your dreams — learning to bring your whole self to work. That's innovation!
This edition of WDJ is about innovations, both technology and the art and science of dentistry. I've learned the value of women and teamwork. Dr. Wanda Jones, my old boss, writes about women's health with her colleague, Ms. Barbara Disckind. We feature Dr. Cissy Furusho, a recent graduate practicing dentistry, enjoying family, and decorating cakes! There are tips on art, time management, and public speaking. Also meet Ms. Karen Potter. Thirty years after I was accepted at UCLA, she will enter dental school there this fall. Even though circumstances prevented me from attending, I can mentor this bright young woman to hold fast to her dreams. Her story is part of our new future in dentistry!
I've learned most about teamwork. I admire Risé, always ahead of me. Cleaning out her closets last fall, long before me, I continually learn from her about organization, management, and leadership as president of AAWD.
From left: Drs. Wendy Hupp, Margaret Scarlett, and Risé Lyman.
Wendy is tireless with a sunny disposition, despite dental school demands and her role as AAWD liaison to ADEA. When I see the glass as half empty, she smiles knowingly that it is really half full. Risé and I are celebrating her recent appointment as an Enid Neidle fellow. Congrats, Wendy! Other team members are important — a special thanks to Mrs. Vicki Cheeseman for keeping the team on track!
Teamwork means being part of a group by being yourself. My house in Atlanta was built in 1911. During that time, women would gather in groups for quiltmaking. Each woman showcased her talents in a quilt, connected by individual pieces of cloth. One woman found beautiful material, another thread, a third made beautiful stitches. AAWD is like that — every woman has a unique talent that our group honors. It is like the oriental sacred Do-Jo, a space to learn, grow, and honor each other.
Today, I'm cleaning out my closets, long after Risé has. No matter! Tonight, there's a "Dress for Success" party. We've been told to bring our special clothes, not those with mustard stains. We'll pile up those clothes, try them on, and donate the rest to Dress for Success, AAWD's partner in our foundation, Smiles for Success.
Like the women of the last century, group work with other women is beautiful and valuable. And powerful! With the donation of old clothes and new smiles, WDJ's recipe for success includes new ideas, innovations, and a pinch of new dreams! Only now instead of small pieces of cloth, the quilt of women dentists showcases special contributions all across the country. Join us and let your uniqueness shine!
Margaret I. Scarlett, DMD is the editor of Woman Dentist Journal. She can be contacted by email at [email protected].
Letters to the editor are welcomed. Please email your letters to [email protected]. Include your name and the city and state where you practice.
As a leader in dentistry, we want to know about YOU! Please send us a couple of photographs of yourself to consider for use on a future WDJ cover. Mail them, along with a short biographical note, to
Dr. Margaret Scarlett, Managing Editor/WDJ, 175 17th St.,Atlanta, GA 30309. We look forward to hearing from you!