Another amazing year comes to a close. Dentistry is truly the best profession for a woman: we can arrange our own schedules, be CEO of our own business, and have a personal life. We couldn’t be in a better place.
I have much to be thankful for in 2006. I take very seriously the honor of representing PennWell as editor of Woman Dentist Journal and the American Association of Women Dentists with its Chronicle. I have met some incredible women this year who have inspired me and pushed me to greater heights.
I have met some wonderful manufacturers too. It is a business-forward company that looks to women as the future of dentistry. With more than 40 percent of incoming dental school classes composed of women, our numbers can only go up!
I have met some great students this year. These women are the future of AAWD and our profession - women of all ages in all life stages - who want to provide high-quality dentistry to the increasing numbers of dental patients in need. With Dr. Kathy Roth at the helm of the ADA for 2007, we look toward a great role model and a true inspiration for young soon-to-be professionals and existing practitioners.
On a personal note, I saw both of my children graduate, one from Northwestern and one from National Louis University, to pursue their life dreams. I attended some incredible meetings, from my own Chicago Midwinter and the Greater New York, to the University of Mississippi “Dental Dialogues” in Jackson and our AAWD Annual Session in Chicago. Women meeting women, women advancing women, women supporting women - it was a good year!
I look to the future with great excitement. 2007 will be even better! On the WDJ front, you will see two new year-long series. “The Women of the World of Dentistry” will focus on various fields available to women in dentistry, from research to education to industry. We will also introduce you to some nondental women who are integral to the dental world. “Building Your Practice From the Ground Up” will chronicle a year-long process of decision making on all levels of starting a practice, with pointers for existing practices as well.
Other great news: Woman Dentist Journal is going online! It will now come out in six print issues and six electronic issues. We will offer the same great features you have come to love, and your favorite columnists will be there along with a few surprises. Look for Woman Dentist Journal Online early in 2007. Sign up for the electronic issues at You won’t want to miss a single word!
I wish you a wonderful holiday season, with blessings, peace, and happiness. I look forward to sharing my life with you in our journal in 2007. Do not hesitate to contact me with questions, comments, compliments, or concerns. Even though the holidays are usually full of busyness, take some time for you.
With warm regards,
Sheri B. Doniger, DDS is the editor of Woman Dentist Journal.
We welcome letters to the editor. Please e-mail your letters to Dr. Doniger at [email protected]. Include your name and the city and state where you practice.
We all know our dental assistants are stars. We are lost without their amazing talents. Why not show the country how special yours is to you? DUX Dental is teaming up with PennWell to honor your trusted team member. The winner will be recognized at the Professional Dental Assisting Conference in Indianapolis in May 2007, and will also be featured on the cover of Dental Office. For further information, and to nominate YOUR star, please go to: