Congressman to attend AGD annual meeting

May 7, 2007
Rep. Nathan Deal will accept AGD Borish award on behalf of late Rep. Charlie Norwood, DDS.

CHICAGO--The Academy of General Dentistry has announced that Congressman Nathan Deal, GA-9, a colleague and close friend of the late Rep. Charlie Norwood, DDS, will attend the AGD's premier event celebration aboard the USS Midway to accept the Albert L. Borish Award.

Acceptance on behalf of Dr. Norwood's colleague scheduled for June 30 during the AGD's Annual Meeting and Exhibits.

This award is presented annually to a person whose dedication, tenacity, innovation and leadership have benefited the dental profession and the dental health of the public. It is named for a blind dentist who was an AGD leader and a faculty member at Temple University Dental School.

He exhibited courage in the face of adversity, dedication to the advancement of the profession, and tenacity of purpose in carrying out his goals and ideals. He was also innovative in the promulgation of constructive programs while demonstrating selflessness. This award honors an individual who possesses these same characteristics.

"Dr. Norwood did so much in Congress to provide better and more essential oral health-care services to all Americans," said AGD President Bruce DeGinder, DDS, FAGD. "We always appreciated his tireless advocacy on behalf of the dentistry profession. We are honored that his colleague Rep. Deal will accept this award on Dr. Norwood's behalf."

Dr. Norwood, a Republican congressman from the 10th district of Georgia, died Feb. 13, 2007. He earned a doctorate in dental surgery from Georgetown University in Washington. He served as a dentist during the Vietnam War and then practiced in Georgia, was voted to Congress and immediately became the champion for dentists nationwide.

He successfully pushed legislation important to general dentists, including the coverage of anesthesia for dental care under the TRICARE system. TRICARE is the name of the Department of Defense's managed health care program for active duty military, active duty service families, retirees and their families, and other beneficiaries.

Dr. Norwood also served as the driving force behind the twice-stalled Patients' Bill of Rights. In fact, days before he died, he reintroduced the bill again with House Energy and Commerce Chairman John Dingell (D-MI-15). Dingell has pledged to fight for its passage this year.

Dr. Norwood was serving his seventh term in the Congress and had been battling cancer for four years. A special election will be held to fill his seat.

For more information about the AGD, visit Academy of General Dentistry.