AFP Imaging Corp. has announced that it is offering its existing Dent-X customers $750 off the purchase price of any Dent-X digital product, including its EVA or EVA+ digital X-ray system, Rotograph Digital or Strato Digital panoramic X-ray system, or NewTom 3-D Cone Beam Computed Tomography (CBCT) imaging systems. The offer is good until Dec. 31.
The EVA family of digital X-ray systems delivers crisp, clear radiographs with virtually any intraoral X-ray head. The classic EVA design is just millimeters thin and built for maximum durability. EVA+ is the first sensor to offer rounded top corners in all three planes, making it the most comfortable, ergonomically correct sensor on the market.
AFP Imaging's Dent-x digital panoramic X-ray systems provide a full range of images, including panoramic, TMJ and cephalometric exams, using a small X-ray tube focal spot to ensure high image quality.
The economic Rotograph Digital is a popular entrée into digital dental radiography, performing all first level radiological examinations of the maxillo-facial area rapidly and effectively. The Strato Digital panoramic x-ray system is designed to meet the full range of diagnostic needs.
The NewTom 3G and the brand new NewTom VG 3-D CBCT imaging systems offer crystal-clear 3-D imaging and the largest field of view in one single scan. AFP Imaging is currently the only supplier to offer 3-D CBCT dental scanners in both vertical and horizontal models.