
Heartburn may be a predictor of oral cancer

June 24, 2013
There may be more to simple heartburn
PROVIDENCE, R.I. — New research from the U.S. has suggested that gastric reflux, which causes frequent heartburn, is associated with throat cancer and cancer of the vocal cords. In addition, the study of almost 1,900 individuals found that antacid substances could reduce the risk of developing these cancers.
READ:Patient's lifestyle behind esophageal cancer?RELATED ARTICLE:GERD: The uncomfortable facts about holiday eating The study, which was conducted at the Brown University, included 468 throat cancer patients, 163 vocal cord cancer patients and 1,234 healthy controls. All participants provided information about their history of heartburn, smoking and drinking habits, and their family history of cancer. To read the entire article, visit dental-tribune.com.