Relieve patient discomfort with scented relief wafers

Aug. 21, 2001
Ortho Organizers introduces injection-molded relief wafers for relieving post orthodontic procedure discomfort and pain.

Ortho Organizers introduces injection-molded relief wafers for relieving post orthodontic procedure discomfort and pain.

The arch-shaped wafers are designed to fit comfortably in the patient's mouth, and made of quality, latex-free plastic. The wafers are given to patients to chew and/or bite down on. The chewing and biting action loosens irritated nerves and blood vessels, providing the patient with relief, similar to delivering a massage to sore muscles.

The wafers are available in three scents: mint, bubblegum, and unscented, which provides an additional aromatherapy experience.

For more information, call (800) 547-2000 or visit