There are many stories across California of children currently enrolled in Medi-Cal waiting months to see a dentist. Sadly, unless some steps are taken, this issue will only worsen as major changes affecting the state's dental care system take effect this year.
One big change is the recent elimination of California's Healthy Families Program, resulting in nearly 900,000 children being transitioned over to Medi-Cal. This means that by 2014, roughly half -- 5 million -- of California's kids will receive their dental coverage through Medi-Cal. In addition, we expect to see hundreds of thousands of additional children enroll in Medi-Cal as the result of the Affordable Care Act beginning to be implemented across the country in less than 12 months.
Unfortunately, Medi-Cal's dental program is currently failing too many children.
Read the rest of the article on The Huffington Post.
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