Aug. 25, 2011
EXAMIX is an advanced additional reaction (platinum catalyzed) VPS impression material that demonstrates physical properties plus a combination of iclinical advantages for impression taking.
ALSIP, Illinois--GC America has unveiled EXAMIX Value Pack. EXAMIX is an advanced additional reaction (platinum catalyzed) VPS impression material that demonstrates physical properties plus a combination of clinical advantages for impression taking. It produces crisp, smooth and precise impressions for models, crown and bridge, dentures, and inlays and onlays.EXAMIX Value Pack:

* Demonstrates dimensional stability
* Has a patented hydrogen scavenger formula
* Shows elastic recovery and tear strength
* Is thixotropic
* Demonstates consistency and flow under pressure for easy handling and accuracy
* Is nonslumping
* Is virtually tasteless and odorless

EXAMIX Value Packs contain eight individual cartridges and 24 mixing tips (48mL).

EXAMIX – Heavy Body (SKU 137080)
EXAMIX – Injection (SKU 137085)
EXAMIX – Regular (SKU 137090)
EXAMIX – Monophase (SKU 137095)

GC America announces RESTORE Japan promotion

For more information, visit www.gcamerica.com.

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