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LeoneAmerica F1000

Oct. 27, 2010
Brackets designed to meet sophisticated biomechanical requirements and permit easy clinical management.
LeoneAmerica has introduced the new F1000 passive self-ligating bracket.The bracket is easy to open and close, and has versatile biomechanics. F1000 brackets are designed to meet sophisticated biomechanical requirements and permit easy clinical management. F1000 brackets provide advantages of the most recent clinical scientific research on low friction and the application of light forces to reduce treatment time for greater comfort and satisfaction of the patient. F1000 brackets are available with torque and angulation values according to Dr. Damon’s standard prescription.For more information call: LeoneAmerica, a division of American Tooth Industries, at (800) 242-9986 or visit read more about LeoneAmerica, go to LeoneAmerica.To comment on this product, go to