American Eagle Instruments has announced the Pro Thin line of ultra-thin, sharpen-free periodontal instruments, designed to improve ergonomics, hand health, and patient comfort.
American Eagle Instruments has announced the Pro Thin line of ultra-thin, sharpen-free periodontal instruments. The line of seven instruments features thinner blades and lighter handles. It started with the M23 Thin scaler and evolved into a complete set of instruments that now includes thinner versions of the Blackjack scaler, Barnhart 5-6 curette, and Gracey Access instruments 1-2, 7-8, 13-14, and 15-16.
The Pro Thin line’s thinner blades are made possible because of American Eagle Instruments’ patented sharpen-free XP Technology. This technology is a proprietary process in which the metallurgical composition of the instrument’s surface is enhanced, giving it the properties of a much more durable material. This process allows American Eagle to put a sharper edge onto a thinner blade, eliminating the task of sharpening instruments.
When using XP Technology instruments, clinicians use only a very light grasp and shaving stroke rather than lateral pressure below a deposit, similar to the technique used with an ultrasonic scaler. This scaling stroke improves ergonomics, hand health, and patient comfort.
Source: American Eagle Instruments press release, 20 March 2017