Dual-Wavelength Laser

Sept. 14, 2001
The OpusDent 20 dual-wavelength laser houses two lasers in one unit with a single power supply.

The OpusDent 20 dual-wavelength laser houses two lasers in one unit with a single power supply.

Its Er:YAG laser is engineered to cut through hard tissue quickly, yet be gentle even without anesthesia.

The unit has a selection of eight handpieces, including two for the Er:YAG laser and six for the CO2 laser. The Er:YAG laser also is able to use a series of hollow wavelength fiber tips with diameters of 400, 700, and 1,000 microns.

For more information, contact OpusDent USA at (866) 678-7336 or visit www.opusdent.com.