Captek Bridge & Implant now available at Glidewell Laboratories

April 29, 2008
New formula provides lifelike esthetics while giving more bridgework options due to its dense and strong understructure.

Glidewell Laboratories now offers Captek Bridge & Implant, which utilizes a breakthrough in nanotechnology to increase the density and strength of Captek's original material by 33 percent.

This new formula provides lifelike esthetics while giving more bridgework options due to its dense and strong understructure.

Captek Bridge & Implant is esthetic thanks to its 84.5 percent gold high noble yellow alloy composition, which provides a warmer and more lifelike appearance at the gingival margin. Since Captek is not cast, there are no dark oxides on the surface to discolor the porcelain.

Biocompatible and corrosion resistant, Captek Bridge & Implant is reinforced with particles of platinum and palladium, which provides increased strength and exhibits low plaque retention in clinical testing. Captek works for implants since it will not oxidize and has no allergic reaction with tissue will occur.

Captek Bridge & Implant is designed to meet the needed strength for bruxers, long-span bridges (previously limited to conventional PFMs), and implants.

Glidewell Laboratories is ADVANCED Captek Certified and Captek accredited through UCLA's School of Dentistry. The Glidewell Labs team is equipped to maximize the benefits of Captek. In-lab working time is just five days.

For more information, go to Glidewell Laboratories.

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