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American Eagle XP Technology Sharpen-Free Instruments win 2015 Readers' Choice Game-Changing Product Award from RDH magazine (VIDEO)

March 11, 2016
American Eagle was awarded a 2015 RDH magazine Readers' Choice award for its XP Technology Sharpen-Free Instruments, which were named a game-changing product by dental hygienists across the United States.

American Eagle was awarded a 2015 RDH magazine Readers' Choice award for its XP Technology Sharpen-Free Instruments, which were named a game-changing product by dental hygienists across the United States in a reader survey. During the 2016 Chicago Midwinter Meeting, Associate Editor Erin Robinson spoke with Lewis Meyers of American Eagle about what it means to American Eagle to have won the award.

Watch their conversation below to learn more about both the award and the instruments!

About the Author

Erin Robinson

Erin Robinson, MA, is an associate editor in the dental group at Endeavor Business Media (formerly PennWell). Prior to joining the dental team at PennWell, she completed a master's degree at the University of Tulsa, where she taught professional writing to students majoring in business, engineering, and the natural sciences. To contact her or submit an article, email [email protected].