Whip Mix recently hosted its first Survive or Thrive Digital Forum. The two-day event had 44 lab owners from across the country in attendance. Featured guest speakers included Chuck Yenkner, executive director of the IdentAlloy Council, and Mark Jackson, RDT and owner of Precision Ceramics Dental Laboratory.
According to Whip Mix, through their participation in the Digital Forum, attendees were able to develop a better understanding of the dental laboratory industry’s transition into the digital age. They also acquired valuable knowledge in the necessary steps their lab should take in making that transition. Whip Mix representatives said the Digital Forum received an overwhelming amount of positive feedback in that it made the transition into a truly Digital Laboratory more of a reality for the lab owners. With this in mind, a second forum is in the planning stage for early 2013.
For more information on this or future Whip Mix events, visit www.whipmix.com.