Author Lauren Burns

April 2014: Letter from the Editor

March 4, 2014
There’s something about the transition from winter to spring that lets you see the changing of the seasons more clearly than any other transition. Summer to fall is gradual, then suddenly it’s cold and everything is dead, including the streets, because people have started to hibernate.

April 2014

There’s something about the transition from winter to spring that lets you see the changing of the seasons more clearly than any other transition. Summer to fall is gradual, then suddenly it’s cold and everything is dead, including the streets, because people have started to hibernate.

But when you get that first nice day after a particularly brutal winter, the change is powerful. You forget how many people live in your neighborhood, and parks that had long been deserted save for a few devoted runners and miserable dog owners are now overrun with children playing in every corner and couples and friends sitting and eating on every bench. Everyone is happy to be outside again. Everyone is happy, period.

And it’s like this every year; every time March rolls into April and the last snows melt under a warmer sun, we crawl out from our winter caves and stretch our legs, looking up into the sky as if for the first time. We never tire of it. The cycle, which had been present long before we were, never gets old.

And we hope that’s how Proofs remains with you. As our faithful readers graduate from their professional careers to their retirement and our new readers discover us, we hope to renew ourselves with every changing season, just as you do. As the field of dentistry transitions, so do the professionals working within it — and so does your media.

Here’s to Proofs — and here’s to spring!

Lauren Burns is the editor of Proofs magazine and the email newsletters RDH Graduate and Proofs. She is currently based out of New York City. Follow her on Twitter: @ellekeid.