Th 0301dem033a


March 1, 2001
As more and more patients' request "white" fillings, concerns about quality posterior composite contacts are increasing. Dentists are seeking alternatives to conventional matrix bands due to their inability to produce predictable anatomical contacts on these restorations.
Figure 1
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As more and more patients' request "white" fillings, concerns about quality posterior composite contacts are increasing. Dentists are seeking alternatives to conventional matrix bands due to their inability to produce predictable anatomical contacts on these restorations.

Figure 2
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Sectional matrix systems are designed to ensure tight, natural composite contacts. These systems utilize a retaining ring and a contoured sectional matrix band to restore a tooth's anatomy. The retaining rings act as a spring. They are designed to separate the teeth by exerting 12-18 pounds of inward pressure thereby eliminating the need for heavy wedging. The contoured sectional matrix bands provide an optimal anatomical shape.

Figure 3
Click here to enlarge image

In response to the growing demand for better composite contacts, Garrison Dental Solutions developed the Composi-Tight® Sectional Matrix System. This system offers two sizes of retaining G-Rings® (Figure 1) allowing the rings to be stacked over each other for M.O.D. or multiple tooth restorations. Five matrix band sizes (.oo12" or 30 µ) (Figure 2) ensure that practitioners will find an optimal size for restoring contact at the natural height of contour. Three of the five Garrison matrix bands have sub-gingival extensions to accommodate for restorations extending below the gum line.

Case Presentation

Figure 4
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A female patient in her 50s presented to have amalgam replaced (Figure 5).

Figure 5
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After placing the rubber dam, the amalgam was removed (Figure 6).

Figure 6
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Because the filling area extended below the gingival margin an Extended Small Matrix Band was chosen (Figure 7). This band size most closely approximated the height of the adjacent marginal ridge ensuring a broad contact at the height of contour and reducing finishing time.

Figure 7
Click here to enlarge image

The band was inserted and a Flexi Wedge [Garrison Dental Solutions (888)437-0032)] was placed to seal the cervical margin (Figure 8). To place the band easily, it was gently curled with the fingers and then pulled into place with a cotton pliers from the buccal (or lingual).

Figure 8
Click here to enlarge image

The G-Ring was placed using care to position the ring tines between the band and the wedge securing the burnished tine ends just above the gingiva (Figure 9). This placement secured the ring firmly and molded the band to the tooth's curvature so that finishing time was reduced. The band was burnished for contact.

Figure 9
Click here to enlarge image

The tooth was filled and finished according to the composite manufacturer's instructions (Figures 10 & 11). The matrix band was removed using hemostats. Contacts can be so tight using the G-Rings and contoured matrices that band removal can be difficult, so we recommend using a hemostat, a Howe pliers, or any instrument that can grip the band firmly.

Figure 10
Click here to enlarge image

The Composi-Tight Sectional Matrix System comes with specially-modified Ring Placement Forceps (Figure 3) and a 12-minute instructional video outlining the basic Class II technique, M.O.D., Missing Cusp and Back-to-Back MO/DO restorations (Figure 4). This sectional matrix system will restore natural tooth function, structure and beauty.


Figure 11
Click here to enlarge image

Direct posterior Class II, MOD, wide embrasure, back-to-back MO/DO, pedodontic and sub-gingival restorations.

For more information, contact
Garrison Dental Solutions
110 DeWitt Lane
Spring Lake, Michigan 49456
(888) 437-0032 (USA & Canada)
(616) 842-2244 Fax: (616) 842-2430
Email: [email protected]

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