If you plan to attend the ADA Annual meeting this Oct. 22-25 in San Francisco, we want to cordially invite you to set aside an evening (Friday, Oct. 24) and a day (Saturday, Oct. 25) to share that special camaraderie that AAWD has to offer. The AAWD functions will be held at the Sir Francis Drake Hotel, which is convenient to the convention center for the ADA functions. If you are signed up for the ADA's Annual Session, you can obtain hotel reservations through the ADA Housing Service, ExpoExchange. A reservation form is available at www.ada.org/goto/session or by calling ExpoExchange at (800) 974-2925.
Friday night will be the gala Installation Dinner to honor our outgoing president, Dr. Risé Lyman, for all of the outstanding leadership she has shown this year. Risé has done an incredible job, forged many new strategic alliances, brought our organization back to financial strength, and guided us in the restructuring of our organization through a number of bylaws changes which will make our association stronger and more flexible to go forward into the future.
If you think this will be a boring evening, you've probably never been to an AAWD Installation Dinner! Come see what makes our organization so special. The camaraderie, the support, the nurturing that women are so good at will be evident as the torch passes from our present board to our new executive board. Mainly, we're going to have fun, so please join us. If you have been a member of AAWD over the years and never participated on a national level, or if you are a new member, come. You will be impressed with the warmth and friendliness of all of the people. You'll have a great time — guaranteed!
The Saturday session will be about creating beauty for our patients and ourselves. Dr. Jaimee Morgan kicks off the day with a lecture titled "Beauty Spoken Here." Dr. Morgan is an internationally renowned aesthetic and restorative dentist who will expand your knowledge, imagination, and confidence while putting the excitement back into dentistry. Adhesive dentistry improvements provide a radical and welcome departure from the drill and fill of the past. Restorations that were once thought to be impossible or "heroic" can now be achieved easily, reliably, and consistently. This course will open new channels of information for you and show you how to increase productivity while improving the quality of your bonded restorations.
Dr. Morgan has been touted as one of the most practical speakers heard today in that she focuses on "real dentistry for real people." She practices cosmetic and restorative dentistry as well as orthodontics in Salt Lake City, Utah. Many thanks to Captek for sponsoring Dr. Morgan for our program.
Following Dr. Morgan will be a well-known dermatologist from the Bay Area, Dr. Jenine Tanabe, who will be speaking on the aesthetics of dermatology treatment. Procter and Gamble, our new Platinum sponsor, will also be on hand to give us a talk about the science behind beauty products.
Our other featured speaker will be Janice Hurley who will speak on "Your professional image — making the outside match the inside." What your clothes, your hair, and your office decor tell about you will influence how your patients perceive your skill. Janice will talk about how to put your best foot forward to grow your practice to the place where you want it to go. She has over 15 years of dental and practice-management experience and specializes in effective in-office systems to ensure practice growth and financial health.
To help you get that just-right image, we're going to have additional help from Nordstrom's with make-up demonstrations, clothing makeovers, and beauty advice during the luncheon. Anthea Tolomei, style and fashion educator, will be our luncheon keynote speaker. She has been the wardrobe consultant for the Claremont Resort and Spa for 15 years and has worked with her clients and Nordstrom's to teach them how to coordinate their wardrobes to suit their color, body lines, and sense of style. We're also getting together a number of vendors to display their products such as lipsticks, cosmetics, jewelry, pocketbooks, and more to create an AAWD Shopping Mall. And last, but not least, we are arranging with a local massage school to have students give us soothing massages!
This is not the kind of program you're going to get at the ADA, but you'll surely have an enjoyable time and learn something at the AAWD meeting. Do make plans to join us. Tony Bennett may have left his heart in San Francisco, but you'll take back with you the heart of what AAWD is all about. We certainly hope you will join us.
Don't miss these fabulous events. Sign up today online at www.womendentists.org. Questions? Call AAWD at (800) 920-AAWD — (800) 920-2293.
Fee schedule:
Members $150
Nonmember Dentists $175
Spouses, Students, and Staff $85