Th 0701wdjsimplify01


Jan. 1, 2007
This is what we all strive to do. This is a column created to embody a hands-on approach toward user-friendly solutions for our lives.

By the Editor, Dr. Sheri Doniger

This is what we all strive to do. This is a column created to embody a hands-on approach toward user-friendly solutions for our lives. Each month I discuss concepts relating to women dentists, their lives, and their work. I focus on alternative dental products, Web sites, books, concepts, and organizations that simplify our world.

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Miltex Lightweight Self-Aspirating Syringe
I have been using the ergonomic, Lightweight Self-Aspirating Syringe for a few years and I truly enjoy working with it. Miltex has created this syringe for all dental procedures. The syringe is smooth and easily maneuvered. For those of you who prefer a non-aspirating syringe, Miltex offers a mini-syringe that is a perfect fit for our hands. Again, lightweight and balanced, this is a great addition to your armamentarium. For more information, visit the Web site or call (800) 645-8000.


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Using an aqueous cleaning technology, GRINrx Whitening Stain Remover Swabs are composed of proprietary products that hydrate enamel while using the laws of mass action cleaning via solvents, surfactants, chelators, alkaline builders, and saponifiers. These agents remove surface and sub-surface stains between enamel rods, hence shortening bleaching time. GRINrx Whitening Stain Remover Swabs are available in a Chairside and Take-Home Edition. Call (888) GRINRX-8.

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Heart Truth Red Dress Pin
Heart Truth is a Web site dedicated to informing people of the No. 1 killer of American women - from the signs of a heart attack to prevention. The Red Dress Pin is the symbol of the campaign. I give the pins to female patients during February. If you need a little more bling than this pin offers, Swarovski has a red dress pin with Austrian crystals. I wear mine on my jacket. Pins are sold at Swarovski retailers nationwide and on