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Dear Boss: You hired me under false pretenses

July 14, 2021
The office manager in this month's installment of Dear Boss has only been with her current practice for four months, but she's about to jump ship.

The Dental Office Manager Digest column “Dear Boss” is designed for office managers to be able to speak their minds by anonymously writing a “letter” to their boss. Send your letters to [email protected]. Depending on how many are received, your letter may take a while to appear in DOMD.

Dear Boss,

I've only been part of this office for a few months, but I feel as though I was hired under false pretenses. During the hiring process, I was told that I wasn't going to be tackling a huge mess, but this office is a straight-up disaster. The office didn't have an office manager for three years, insurance wasn’t being verified, nothing was filed correctly, credentialing was a mess—overall, there was no organized structure in place. No one was collecting on any procedures; statements weren't being sent, and these are just a few of the many issues. I've put in many hours trying to fix this, all for a sad, underwhelming paycheck.

Front desk turnover is ridiculous, all because you keep hiring people with little to no experience. While I realize that it's always cheaper to hire someone with less experience and train them, the office is falling apart; there just isn’t enough time in the day to effectively train someone and still manage everything else. I’m tired of having to cover the front desk, handle billing, and manage the practice.

There needs to be a massive shift in the office, or at least some type of monthly staff training to ensure everything is being done properly. I’m overwhelmed and overworked, and I’ve only been on the team about four months. People literally leave every other week due to being overworked and underpaid. Something has got to change, or I'll be the next to skip out the door.


Overwhelmed and overworked

Do you want to write a "letter" to your boss? Send it to [email protected] and watch for your letter to appear anonymously on DentistryIQ. To read past articles, visit DentistryIQ and search for "Dear Boss."