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Dear (former) Boss: You sold the practice out from under us

Oct. 14, 2021
Practice transitions are a necessary part of dentistry. Some owners do a great job of keeping staff informed. Others? Not so much.

Dear (former) Boss,

I have to say, you really surprised us by selling the dental office right out from under our feet.

We were blindsided after being with you for more than 19 years. We thought you'd look out for us, but instead you stabbed us in the back. We knew you intended to retire, but you never told us about the possibility of new ownership. Finding out after the sale had gone through was really upsetting. You acted as though nothing was going on, you treated us well, but now we have gone corporate.

The last few weeks have been terrible under the new leadership. It feels more like a dictatorship lately, and most of us are looking to switch careers. The corporate model has been exhausting, and adapting to our reassigned roles has been rough. We had a great office and things ran so smoothly. We were all happy, we respected each other, and our office thrived for many years. Now we are being forced to push dentistry onto patients—some of whom we have known for years and have never had a cavity. We have to present treatment plans that cost thousands upon thousands of dollars, and some that even seem dishonest and unnecessary. The regional manager has explained to us that we need to make quotas and push for recall appointments, sell more products, and entice patients to refer their friends with complimentary gift cards. Selling is prioritized above honest patient care, which seems illogical at best, and we are feeling weary. We all thought we would be able to stay in dentistry, but with how things are going, we feel so worthless in this field. We hope other staff members in dental offices get the chance to read this and understand that not all things are promised in life and sometimes the people you trust most will be unfaithful and dishonest.

We wish you the best, Doctor.


The best staff ever