Let your voice be heard through our annual salary survey

Oct. 24, 2011
Dental Assisting Digest™ Editor Kevin Henry encourages dental assistants to participate in our annual salary survey and share a view of the future of dental assisting through their own eyes.

By Kevin Henry, Editor

It’s the most wonderful time of the year. Come on, you know the words ... sing it along with me now. While Andy Williams might have been talking about the upcoming holidays, I’m referring to the start of our annual Dental Assisting Digest salary survey that officially kicks off with this issue of DAD.

It’s amazing how much I (and your colleagues around the nation) can learn from your answers to eight very simple questions. Would you take three minutes right now and answer this year’s survey? Click here to take the survey.

What did we learn from your responses last year? Plenty.

Click here to look at the state-by-state hourly wages for dental assistants.

Click here to view the final overall results of the 2010 DAD salary survey

Of course, one of the more interesting opportunities you have with the survey is a chance to sound off and tell me (and your colleagues) your feelings about not only your salary, but the salary of dental assistants around the country and the future of dental assisting as you see it. I truly value your comments. Your input helps me with the salary survey and future editorial plans as well. I know many of you have been open, honest, and candid with your responses to these questions in the past, and I’m counting on that again this year.

I thank you in advance for your help and really look forward to hearing your responses.

On a different note, I was so glad to be a part of the recent ADAA gathering in Las Vegas. It was great to see and chat with so many friends. Easily one of the highlights of the meeting was seeing the four dental assistants (including DAD contributors Ronda Lane and Jena Payne) who received their fellowship status. It’s always great to see dental assistants take those extra steps to become the best they can be in their profession. Congrats to all four recipients!

I hope you have a wonderful Halloween and Thanksgiving (probably my favorite holiday of the year). The next issue of DAD comes out on Monday, November 28, and I plan to have a first look at the salary survey in that issue.

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