Dear Colleagues letter from Lynn Mortilla

April 21, 2010
ADIA Executive Director Lynn Mortilla addresses colleagues about the ADIA's upcoming Spring Implant Symposium and the Dental Team Implant Certification Program.

Dear Colleagues,

I can’t believe our Spring Implant Symposium is here. I promise we’ll tell you all about it next month. For those really interested, we’ll be posting some webcasts from the meeting, so be sure to check them out on our Web site at

We’ll make our big announcement of a huge upcoming event. The ADIA will broadcast our Dental Team Implant Certification Program live from Hamburg in August. We realize international travel can be difficult for some (have you seen the news lately?), so we want to be sure everyone has access to this incredible program. We thank the Dental Tribune Study Club for teaming up with us for this event.

We also want to acknowledge and thank our corporate sponsors. Without their contributions we wouldn’t have our wonderful Lunch and Learn meetings. Thank you to Chase HealthAdvance, Hu-Friedy, Colgate, Surgitel, HydraBrush, InfoStar, Salvin Dental Specialties, Astra Tech, and Lighthouse PLZ.

We welcome our newest ADIA “warriors,” Vicki Garza and Michelle Kratt. A great big thank you to this meeting’s host, Teresa Duncan. I’m sure we’ll all have wonderful ideas and tips to share next month.

Until then,

Lynn Mortilla
ADIA Executive Director